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Fasted Cardio: Does it Burn More Fat?

It is said that fasted cardio burns more fat.

But is this true? What does the research indicate?

When compared to fed cardio while exercising, fasted cardio increases fat burning [1]. In the long run, however, there will be no difference.

If you burn more fat while exercising, your body compensates by burning less fat the rest of the day.

Body composition changes associated with aerobic exercise and a hypo-caloric diet are similar whether or not an individual fasts prior to training.

As a result, those looking to lose body fat may choose to exercise before or after eating, depending on their preferences.

Fasted training is appropriate for the majority of people, but it may impair performance depending on training duration and intensity.

The majority of these effects are minor.

If you enjoy doing cardio before breakfast, go ahead and do it.


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