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Sample Strength Training Programs

The adaptation of the muscular system to an exercise program will rely heavily on how the workouts are structured and progressed over time.

Structuring the acute variables correctly and understanding which variables need to be progressed are at the heart of goal-specific exercise programming.

The following sample workouts highlight the resistance training portion of a workout (proper warm-up and cooldown are still recommended) and how to structure the acute variables for the different goals.


Maximizing strength as a primary fitness goal focuses on progressively increasing the load used during workouts.

This style of training can result in greater motor unit recruitment and greater overall force production. Force equals mass multiplied by acceleration (F = M x A). With this type of training, force (F) production is increased by emphasizing the mass (M) part of the equation.

In other words, intensity (load) will be the primary variable that will need to be progressed throughout the program to achieve this result.

Special attention should be given to rest period length as well to ensure that proper recovery of ATP stores allows for subsequent maximal efforts.

Sample workout for maximizing strength


Increasing muscular size (hypertrophy) is a common fitness goal. This style of training requires relatively high levels of volume along with short rest periods.

As volume is the primary acute variable that would need to be progressed during a hypertrophy program, there would eventually be a need to create a split training routine.

An example of this would be splitting upper-body pushing, upper-body pulling, and lower body into three separate workouts.

Sample workout for maximizing hypertrophy


The goal of increasing power focuses on force production with greater velocity. This should result in muscle contraction happening at a faster rate.

Keeping in mind that power equals force multiplied by velocity (P = F x V), this style of training will emphasize the velocity (V) part of the equation. The tempo used for maximizing power should be fast while under control.

Moving as fast as possible with loss of control will not serve the participant in terms of maximizing power or minimizing potential injury.

As the client progresses and they have maximized movement velocity, increases in intensity will become necessary.

Sample workout for maximizing power


Maximizing muscular endurance focuses on increasing the ability to continuously perform a movement (contract muscles) against resistance.

Higher volume through increased sets and reps is the primary way to progress with this goal in mind.

The higher volume of this style of training may also lend itself to those looking to reduce body fat because of the relatively high workload, which can result in relatively higher calorie burn.

Sample workout for maximizing endurance

The following sample workouts highlight the resistance training portion of a workout (proper warm-up and cooldown are still recommended) and how to structure the acute variables for the different goals.


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