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The Simple Way To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories: Habit-Based Eating

By Tom Venuto

Are you overwhelmed with counting calories, tracking macros, weighing food or putting together a fat loss meal plan for the first time?

Or, have you been counting, weighing, tracking or following a macro-based meal plan for a while, and it helped, but all that nutrition number crunching is starting to make you feel stressed and preoccupied with thinking about food?

If you said yes to either question, or the idea of a diet without counting calories appeals to you, then there's an alternative way you can approach eating for fat loss - no calorie counting required.

How To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

Do you need to count calories to lose weight? Not necessarily. Sometimes the best approach is to shift gears completely, to let go of the numbers (except simple ones), forget about the details (for the moment at least), and simplify, simplify, simplify - all the way to the most basic level - focusing on daily actions that you can turn into habits.

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